You can look forward to the following fundraisers throughout the school year! Watch this page for specific information as each fundraiser is released!
Busch’s Grocery Market
You must be a MyWay member to participate in the Cash for Education Program. To enroll, log into your MyWay account and select Cash for Education from the dropdown menu. Designate “Triangle Nursery” for all 4 quarters on your Busch’s MyWay account at, and a percentage of your grocery purchases will automatically be allocated to Triangle.

If you don’t already have it, pick up a Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card from any register at Kroger. Link your card to Triangle by going online at You may search for “Triangle Cooperative Nursery, Inc.”

Arbor Farms Market
At check-out, simply tell your cashier to credit your purchase to Triangle, and the school earns a percentage on each purchase!
If you have any questions or concerns about these new ongoing fundraisers for the 2023-2024 school year, please reach out directly to our fundraising chair, Nue (Cameron, 3s), at or 651-233-7119.

You shop. Amazon gives.
- Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
- AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
- Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at

Ceramics Clayland is a place where you can go to relax and release a bit of your artistic side. They have everything you need to create a hand-painted ceramic work of art. It’s pottery made easy. Pottery by you. Just bring your imagination.
Find them on Facebook.
Not only is this a fun excursion, they are now (indefinitely) fundraising for Triangle! Go in any time (Check their hours here.) and, when checking out, mention that you are with Triangle. They will donate 10% of the sale to Triangle!
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